- Paket exec-path-from-shell, um PATH aus Linux auch in emacs zu haben
- Smart mode line?
- Theme
- evil
- evil-collection or custom in init file?
- Hydra
- General
- (defalias 'list-buffers 'ibuffer) ;; change default to ibuffer
- ido?
- imenu-list
- projectile
- treemacs (for linux)
- treemacs-evil?
- treemacs-projectile
- ace-window
- windmove?
- tramp (in linux)
- visual-regexp
- saveplace?
- org configuration: paths
- org custom agenda
- org configuration: everything else
- beancount configuration from config.org
- CONTINUE TODO from config.org at Programming
* First start
When pulling the repository the first time, an initial init.el needs to be setup. After start it will replace itself with the configuration from init.org