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magit added

Marc Pohling 6 years ago
1 changed files with 63 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 63


@ -395,6 +395,44 @@ Requires counsel
#+end_src #+end_src
* Latex
Requirements for Linux:
- Latex
- pdf-tools
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package pdf-tools
:ensure t
(setq TeX-view-program-selection '((output-pdf "pdf-tools")))
(setq TeX-view-program-list '(("pdf-tools" "Tex-pdf-tools-sync-view")))
For latex-preview-pane a patch might be necessary (as of 2017-10), see the issue [[][here]]
Update 2018-03: It seems to work without this patch. I will keep it here in case something breaks again.
--- (doc-view-revert-buffer nil t)
+++ (revert-buffer-nil t 'preserve-modes)
After that M-x byte-compile-file
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package latex-preview-pane
:ensure t
(setq auto-mode-alist
(append '(("\\.tex$" . latex-mode)) auto-mode-alist))
;; one of these works
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'latex-preview-pane-mode)
(add-hook 'latex-mode-hook 'latex-preview-pane-mode)
;; necessary, because linum-mode isn't compatible and prints errors
(add-hook 'pdf-view-mode-hook (lambda () (linum-mode -1)))
* Programming * Programming
** Common things ** Common things
List of plugins and settings which are shared between the language plugins List of plugins and settings which are shared between the language plugins
@ -441,6 +479,31 @@ Colorize colors as text with their value
) )
#+end_src #+end_src
** Magit
I want to do git stuff here, not in a separate terminal window
Little crashcourse in magit:
- magit-init to init a git project
- magit-status (C-x g) to call the status window
in status buffer:
- s stage files
- u unstage files
- U unstage all files
- a apply changed to staging
- c c commit (type commit message, then C-c C-c to commit)
- b b switch to another branch
- P u git push
- F u git pull
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package magit
:ensure t
:defer t
:bind (("C-x g" . magit-status))
** Company Mode ** Company Mode
Complete Anything! Complete Anything!
