@ -498,11 +498,45 @@ Hydra allows grouping of commands |
:ensure t |
:bind |
("C-c f" . hydra-flycheck/body) |
("C-c g" . hydra-git-gutter/body) |
:config |
(setq-default hydra-default-hint nil) |
) |
#+end_src |
Some persistent navigation in git-gutter is nice, so here's a hydra for it: |
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp |
(defhydra hydra-git-gutter (:body-pre (git-gutter-mode 1) |
:hint nil) |
" |
^Git Gutter^ ^Git^ ^misc^ |
^──────────^────────^───^────────────────^────^────────────────────────── |
_j_: next hunk _s_tage hunk _q_uit |
_k_: previous hunk _r_evert hunk _Q_uit and deactivate git-gutter |
_h_: first hunk _p_opup hunk |
_l_: last hunk set start _R_evision |
^^ ^^ ^^ |
" |
("j" git-gutter:next-hunk) |
("k" git-gutter:previous-hunk) |
("h" (progn (goto-char (point-min)) |
(git-gutter:next-hunk 1))) |
("l" (progn (goto-char (point-min)) |
(git-gutter:previous-hunk 1))) |
("s" git-gutter:stage-hunk) |
("r" git-gutter:revert-hunk) |
("p" git-gutter:popup-hunk) |
("R" git-gutter:set-start-revision) |
("q" nil :color blue) |
("Q" (progn (git-gutter-mode -1) |
;; git-gutter-fringe doesn't seem to |
;; clear the markup right away |
(sit-for 0.1) |
(git-gutter:clear)) |
:color blue)) |
* Undo |
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp |