@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ |
- windmove? |
- tramp (in linux) |
- visual-regexp |
- saveplace? |
- org configuration: paths |
- org custom agenda |
- org configuration: everything else |
@ -113,6 +112,8 @@ |
(setq custom-safe-themes t) ;; don't ask me if I want to load a theme |
(setq sentence-end-double-space nil) ;; don't coun two spaces after a period as the end of a sentence. |
(delete-selection-mode t) ;; delete selected region when typing |
(save-place-mode 1) ;; saves position in file when it's closed |
(setq save-place-forget-unreadable-files nil) ;; checks if file is readable before saving position |
(setq locale-coding-system 'utf-8) |
(set-terminal-coding-system 'utf-8) |
@ -128,9 +129,9 @@ |
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil) ;; avoid tabs in place of multiple spaces (they look bad in tex) |
(setq-default indicate-empty-lines t) ;; show empty lines |
(setq scroll-margin 5 ;; smooth scrolling |
scroll-conservatively 10000 |
scroll-preserve-screen-position 1 |
scroll-step 1) |
scroll-conservatively 10000 |
scroll-preserve-screen-position 1 |
scroll-step 1) |
(global-hl-line-mode t) ;; highlight current line |
(menu-bar-mode 0) ;; disable menu bar |
(tool-bar-mode 0) ;; disable tool bar |