Marc Pohling 5 years ago
5 changed files with 1573 additions and 57 deletions
  1. 62
  2. 11
  3. 386
  4. 551
  5. 620


@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
#+TITLE: Emacs Configuration
#+AUTHOR: Marc Pohling
#+BABEL: :cache yes
#+PROPERTY: :header-args :tangle yes
* Personal Information
@ -8,7 +10,7 @@
user-mail-address "")
I need a function to know what computer emacs is running on. The display width of 1152 pixel is an oddity of hyper-v and for my usecase specific enough to tell the machine.
I need a function to know what computer emacs is running on. The display width of 1152 pixel is an oddity of hyper-v and for my usecase specific enough to tell the machine.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defvar my/whoami
@ -31,7 +33,7 @@
- markdown:
add hooks for certain file extensions, maybe add a smart way to start gfm-mode if markdown-file is in a git-project
- move package dependend configurations inside the package configuration itself, like keymaps for magit
- get rid of user-local and user-global and work with git-ignore
* Update config in a running config
Two options:
- reload the open file: M-x load-file, then press twice to accept
@ -154,10 +156,17 @@
Don't add the font in the work environment, which I am logged in as POH
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(pcase my/whoami
("home" (set-face-attribute 'default nil :font "Hack-10"))
("work_hyperv" (set-face-attribute 'default nil :font "Hack-12"))
; (set-face-attribute 'default nil
; :family "Hack Nerd Font Mono-14"
; :height 110
; :weight 'normal
; :width 'normal)
(set-face-font 'default "Hack Nerd Font Mono-10")
; (pcase my/whoami
; ("home" (set-face-font 'default "Hack Nerd Font Mono-10"))
;; ("home" (set-face-attribute 'default nil :font "Hack-10"))
; ("work_hyperv" (set-face-attribute 'default nil :font "Hack-12"))
; )
** Themes
@ -1124,8 +1133,8 @@ fi
cd /opt
python3 -m venv vava
source ./vava/bin/activate
python3 -m venv fava
source ./fava/bin/activate
pip3 install wheel
pip3 install fava
@ -1382,6 +1391,15 @@ Backend configuration for beancount
Backend configuration for lua
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun company/lua-mode-hook()
(set (make-local-variable 'company-backends)
(company-mode t)
** Misc Company packages
Addon to sort suggestions by usage
@ -1462,7 +1480,7 @@ Maybe add [[][company-dict]]? It's
:diminish yas-minor-mode
(yas-global-mode t)
(setq yas-snippet-dirs (concat PATH_USER_GLOBAL "snippets"))
;; (setq yas-snippet-dirs '(concat PATH_USER_GLOBAL "snippets"))
:mode ("\\.yasnippet" . snippet-mode)
(unless (string-equal my/whoami "work_remote") ; very hacky, but yas-reload-all throws a wrongp error at work
@ -1493,6 +1511,15 @@ Add some helpers to handle and understand macros
(define-key emacs-lisp-mode-map (kbd "C-c c") 'macrostep-collapse))
** LUA
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package lua-mode
:ensure t
:mode (("\\.lua$" . lua-mode))
(add-hook 'lua-mode-hook 'company/lua-mode-hook)
** R
TODO: test it
For now only enable ESS at home. Not sure if it is useful at work.
@ -1769,9 +1796,14 @@ BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
** Latex
Requirements for Linux:
- Latex
- pdf-tools
Requirements for Debian:
- texlive (texlive-base?)
- elpa-pdf-tools
- dh-autoreconf?
- texlive-lang-german
- texlive-latex-extra
The midnight mode hook is disabled for now, because CVs with my pic just look weird in this mode.
@ -1793,12 +1825,12 @@ END_SRC
For latex-preview-pane a patch might be necessary (as of 2017-10), see the issue [[][here]]
Update 2018-03: It seems to work without this patch. I will keep it here in case something breaks again.
For latex-preview-pane a patch might be necessary (as of 2017-10), see the issue [[][here]].
Without it, the preview pane won't update, even when compiling works fine.
--- (doc-view-revert-buffer nil t)
+++ (revert-buffer-nil t 'preserve-modes)
+++ (revert-buffer nil t 'preserve-modes)
After that M-x byte-compile-file


@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
rm ./init.el
rm ./init.elc
cat <<EOF >./init.el
(require 'org)
(find-file (concat user-emacs-directory ""))
(load-file (concat user-emacs-directory "init.el"))
(byte-compile-file (concat user-emacs-directory "init.el"))


@ -1,55 +1,357 @@
;; Garbage collection threshold
;; higher means less interuptions
(setq gc-cons-threshold 400000000)
;; Begin initialization
;; Turn off mouse interface early in startup to avoid momentary display
(when window-system
(menu-bar-mode -1)
(tool-bar-mode -1)
(scroll-bar-mode -1)
(tooltip-mode -1)
(setq inhibit-startup-message t)
(setq initial-scratch-message "")
(defun me/tangle-init ()
"If the current buffer is '',
the code blocks are tangled, and the tangled file is compiled."
(when (equal (buffer-file-name)
(expand-file-name (concat user-emacs-directory "")))
;; avoid running hooks
(let ((prog-mode-hook nil))
(byte-compile-file (concat user-emacs-directory "init.el"))
(load-file user-init-file))))
(add-hook 'after-save-hook 'me/tangle-init)
;; Setup package
(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives
'("melpa" . "") t)
(add-to-list 'package-archives
'("melpa-stable" . "") t)
(add-to-list 'package-archives
'("gnu" . "") t)
(add-to-list 'package-archives
'("org" . "") t)
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "") t)
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa-stable" . "") t)
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("org" . "") t)
;; Bootstrap use-package
;; Install use-package if it's not already installed
;; use-package is used to configure the rest of the packages
(unless (package-installed-p 'use-package)
(package-install 'use-package)
(package-install 'use-package))
(setq use-package-verbose nil)
;; From use-package README
(require 'use-package))
;; see
(use-package diminish
:ensure t)
(require 'use-package);)
(defvar MY--PATH_USER_LOCAL (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/user-local/"))
(defvar MY--PATH_USER_GLOBAL (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/user-global/"))
(defvar MY--PATH_ORG_FILES (expand-file-name "~/Archiv/Organisieren/"))
(defvar MY--PATH_ORG_FILES_MOBILE (expand-file-name "~/Archiv/Organisieren/mobile/"))
(defvar MY--PATH_ORG_JOURNAl (expand-file-name "~/Archiv/Organisieren/Journal/"))
(setq bookmark-default-file (concat MY--PATH_USER_LOCAL "bookmarks"))
(setq recentf-save-file (concat MY--PATH_USER_LOCAL "recentf"))
(setq custom-file (concat MY--PATH_USER_LOCAL "custom.el")) ;; don't spam init.e with saved customization settings
(setq abbrev-file-name (concat MY--PATH_USER_GLOBAL "abbrev_defs"))
(setq backup-directory-alist `((".*" . ,temporary-file-directory)))
(setq auto-save-file-name-transforms `((".*" ,temporary-file-directory)))
(setq save-abbrevs 'silently) ;; don't bother me with asking for abbrev saving
(setq-default create-lockfiles nil) ;; disable lock files, can cause trouble in e.g. lsp-mode
(defalias 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p) ;; answer with y and n
(setq custom-safe-themes t) ;; don't ask me if I want to load a theme
(setq sentence-end-double-space nil) ;; don't coun two spaces after a period as the end of a sentence.
(delete-selection-mode t) ;; delete selected region when typing
(setq locale-coding-system 'utf-8)
(set-terminal-coding-system 'utf-8)
(set-keyboard-coding-system 'utf-8)
(set-selection-coding-system 'utf-8)
(if (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
(prefer-coding-system 'utf-8dos)
(prefer-coding-system 'utf-8))
(blink-cursor-mode -1) ;; turn off blinking cursor
(show-paren-mode t) ;; show other part of brackets
(column-number-mode t)
(setq uniquify-buffer-name-style 'forward)
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil) ;; avoid tabs in place of multiple spaces (they look bad in tex)
(setq-default indicate-empty-lines t) ;; show empty lines
(setq scroll-margin 5 ;; smooth scrolling
scroll-conservatively 10000
scroll-preserve-screen-position 1
scroll-step 1)
(global-hl-line-mode t) ;; highlight current line
(menu-bar-mode 0) ;; disable menu bar
(tool-bar-mode 0) ;; disable tool bar
(scroll-bar-mode 0) ;; disable scroll bar
(set-face-font 'default "Hack Nerd Font Mono-10")
(diminish 'visual-line-mode)
(use-package adaptive-wrap
:ensure t
(when (fboundp 'adaptive-wrap-prefix-mode)
(defun my/activate-adaptive-wrap-prefix-mode ()
"Toggle `visual-line-mode' and `adaptive-wrap-prefix-mode' simultaneously."
(adaptive-wrap-prefix-mode (if visual-line-mode 1 -1)))
(add-hook 'visual-line-mode-hook 'my/activate-adaptive-wrap-prefix-mode)))
(use-package display-line-numbers
(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'display-line-numbers-mode)
(add-hook 'org-src-mode-hook 'display-line-numbers-mode)
(setq-default display-line-numbers-type 'visual
display-line-numbers-current-absolute t
display-line-numbers-with 4
display-line-numbers-widen t))
; (add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'display-line-numbers-mode)
(use-package rainbow-mode
:hook ((org-mode
emacs-lisp-mode) . rainbow-mode))
(require 'undo-tree)
(use-package undo-tree
:ensure t
:diminish undo-tree-mode
(global-undo-tree-mode 1))
(use-package imenu-list
:ensure t
(setq imenu-list-focus-after-activation t
imenu-list-auto-resize t
imenu-list-position 'right)
(:map global-map
([f9] . imenu-list-smart-toggle))
(require 'which-key)
(use-package which-key
:ensure t
:diminish which-key-mode
(setq which-key-idle-delay 0.5))
(use-package org
:ensure org-plus-contrib
:pin org)
:ensure org-plus-contrib
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'company/org-mode-hook)
;; (require 'org-id)
(add-to-list 'org-modules "org-id")
(setq org-default-notes-file (concat MY--PATH_ORG_FILES "")
org-agenda-files (list MY--PATH_ORG_FILES
org-id-locations-file (concat MY--PATH_USER_LOCAL ".org-id-locations")
org-log-into-drawer "LOGBOOK"))
(require 'org-habit) ;;TODO Lösung ohne require finden, scheint mir nicht ideal zu sein, nur um ein org-modul zu aktivieren
;; (add-to-list 'org-modules "org-habit")
(setq org-habit-graph-column 80
org-habit-preceding-days 30
org-habit-following-days 7
org-habit-show-habits-only-for-today nil)
(use-package org-journal
:ensure t
:defer t
(org-journal-dir MY--PATH_ORG_JOURNAl)
(org-journal-enable-agenda-integration t))
(require 'ivy)
(use-package ivy
:ensure t
(ivy-mode . "")
(ivy-mode 1)
("C-r" . ivy-resume) ;; overrides isearch-backwards binding
(setq ivy-use-virtual-buffers t ;; recent files and bookmarks in ivy-switch-buffer
ivy-height 20 ;; height of ivy window
ivy-count-format "%d/%d" ;; current and total number
ivy-re-builders-alist ;; regex replaces spaces with *
'((t . ivy--regex-plus))))
(use-package counsel
:ensure t
(("M-x" . counsel-M-x)
("C-x C-f" . counsel-find-file)
("C-x C-r" . counsel-recentf)
("C-c C-f" . counsel-git)
("C-c h f" . counsel-describe-function)
("C-c h v" . counsel-describe-variable)
("M-i" . counsel-imenu)))
(use-package swiper
:ensure t
("C-s" . swiper))
(use-package ivy-hydra
:ensure t)
(require 'company)
(use-package company
:defer 1
(:map company-active-map
("RET" . nil)
([return] . nil)
("TAB" . company-complete-selection)
([tab] . company-complete-selection)
("<right>" . company-complete-common))
(global-company-mode 1)
company-idle-delay .2
company-minimum-prefix-length 1
company-require-match nil
company-show-numbers t
company-tooltip-align-annotations t))
(require 'company-statistics)
(use-package company-statistics
:ensure t
:after company
(setq company-statistics-file (concat MY--PATH_USER_LOCAL "company-statistics-cache.el"));~/.emacs.d/user-dir/company-statistics-cache.el")
(company-statistics-mode 1))
(use-package company-dabbrev
:ensure nil
:after company
(setq-default company-dabbrev-downcase nil))
(use-package company-box
:ensure nil
(add-hook 'company-mode-hook 'company-box-mode))
(defun company/org-mode-hook()
(set (make-local-variable 'company-backends)
'(company-capf company-files))
(add-hook 'completion-at-point-functions 'pcomplete-completions-at-point nil t)
(message "company/org-mode-hook"))
(defun company/elisp-mode-hook()
(set (make-local-variable 'company-backends)
'((company-elisp company-dabbrev) company-capf company-files))
(message "company/elisp-mode-hook"))
(defun company/beancount-mode-hook()
(set (make-local-variable 'company-backends)
(use-package magit
:ensure t
:defer t
; set git-path in work environment
(if (string-equal user-login-name "POH")
(setq magit-git-executable "P:/Eigene Dateien/Tools/Git/bin/git.exe")
:bind (("C-x g" . magit-status))
(use-package lsp-mode
:defer t
:commands lsp
(lsp-auto-guess-root nil)
(lsp-prefer-flymake nil) ; use flycheck instead
(lsp-file-watch-threshold 2000)
:bind (:map lsp-mode-map ("C-c C-f" . lsp-format-buffer))
:hook ((python-mode
web-mode) . lsp))
(use-package lsp-ui
:after lsp-mode
:commands lsp-ui-mode
(setq lsp-ui-doc-enable t
lsp-ui-doc-header t
lsp-ui-doc-include-signature t
lsp-ui-doc-position 'top
lsp-ui-doc-border (face-foreground 'default)
lsp-ui-sideline-enable nil
lsp-ui-sideline-ignore-duplicate t
lsp-ui-sideline-show-code-actions nil)
(when (display-graphic-p)
(setq lsp-ui-doc-use-webkit t))
;; workaround hide mode-line of lsp-ui-imenu buffer
(defadvice lsp-ui-imenu (after hide-lsp-ui-imenu-mode-line activate)
(setq mode-line-format nil)))
(use-package company-lsp
:requires company
:defer t
:ensure t
;;disable client-side cache because lsp server does a better job
(setq company-transformers nil
company-lsp-async t
company-lsp-cache-candidates nil))
(use-package flycheck
;;:ensure t
((css-mode . flycheck-mode)
(emacs-lisp-mode . flycheck-mode)
(python-mode . flycheck-mode))
(setq flycheck-emacs-lisp-load-path 'inherit)
flycheck-check-synta-automatically '(save mode-enabled)
flycheck-disable-checkers '(emacs-lisp-checkdoc)
eldoc-idle-delay .1 ;; let eldoc echo faster than flycheck
flycheck-display-errors-delay .3)) ;; this way any errors will override eldoc messages
(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'company/elisp-mode-hook)
(use-package web-mode
:ensure t
:defer t
(use-package pyvenv
:ensure t
(setenv "WORKON_HOME" (expand-file-name "~/Archiv/Programmierprojekte/Python/virtualenv/"))
(add-hook 'pyvenv-post-activate-hooks #'my/postactivatehook))
(defun my/postactivatehook ()
(setq lsp-python-ms-extra-paths pyvenv-virtual-env))
(use-package virtualenvwrapper
:ensure t
:hook (venv-postmkvirtualenv . (lambda() (shell-command "pip3 install importmagic epc")))
(setq venv-location (expand-file-name "~/Archiv/Programmierprojekte/Python/virtualenv/")))
;; Load the config
(org-babel-load-file (concat user-emacs-directory ""))
(use-package lsp-python-ms
:ensure t
:after lsp-mode python)
; :custom (lsp-python-executable-cmd "python3"))
(setq gc-cons-threshold 800000)
(use-package beancount
:load-path "user-local/elisp"
:defer t
("\\.beancount$" . beancount-mode)
(add-hook 'beancount-mode-hook 'company/beancount-mode-hook)
; (add-hook 'beancount-mode-hook (pyvenv-activate "/opt/beancount"))
; (setenv "PATH"
; (concat "/opt/beancount/bin:"
; (getenv "PATH")))
(setq beancount-filename-main "/home/marc/Archiv/Finanzen/Transaktionen/transactions.beancount"))


@ -0,0 +1,551 @@
#+TITLE: Emacs configuration file
#+AUTHOR: Marc
#+BABEL: :cache yes
#+PROPERTY: header-args :tangle yes
- Paket exec-path-from-shell, um PATH aus Linux auch in emacs zu haben
* First start
When pulling the repository the first time, an initial init.el needs to be setup. After start it will replace itself with the configuration from
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :tangle no
(require 'org')
(find-file (concat user-emacs-directory ""))
(load-file (concat user-emacs-directory "init.el"))
(byte-compile-file (concat user-emacs-directory "init.el"))
This function updates init.el whenever changes in are made. The update will be active after saving.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun me/tangle-init ()
"If the current buffer is '',
the code blocks are tangled, and the tangled file is compiled."
(when (equal (buffer-file-name)
(expand-file-name (concat user-emacs-directory "")))
;; avoid running hooks
(let ((prog-mode-hook nil))
(byte-compile-file (concat user-emacs-directory "init.el"))
(load-file user-init-file))))
(add-hook 'after-save-hook 'me/tangle-init)
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(require 'package)
;; bug before emacs 26.3
(setq gnutls-algorithm-priority "NORMAL:-VERS-TLS1.3")
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("elpa" . "") t)
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "") t)
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa-stable" . "") t)
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("org" . "") t)
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(unless (package-installed-p 'use-package)
(package-install 'use-package))
(setq use-package-verbose nil)
(require 'use-package))
(require 'bind-key)
(use-package diminish
:ensure t)
* Default settings
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defvar MY--PATH_USER_LOCAL (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/user-local/"))
(defvar MY--PATH_USER_GLOBAL (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/user-global/"))
(defvar MY--PATH_ORG_FILES (expand-file-name "~/Archiv/Organisieren/"))
(defvar MY--PATH_ORG_FILES_MOBILE (expand-file-name "~/Archiv/Organisieren/mobile/"))
(defvar MY--PATH_ORG_JOURNAl (expand-file-name "~/Archiv/Organisieren/Journal/"))
(setq bookmark-default-file (concat MY--PATH_USER_LOCAL "bookmarks"))
(setq recentf-save-file (concat MY--PATH_USER_LOCAL "recentf"))
(setq custom-file (concat MY--PATH_USER_LOCAL "custom.el")) ;; don't spam init.e with saved customization settings
(setq abbrev-file-name (concat MY--PATH_USER_GLOBAL "abbrev_defs"))
(setq backup-directory-alist `((".*" . ,temporary-file-directory)))
(setq auto-save-file-name-transforms `((".*" ,temporary-file-directory)))
(setq save-abbrevs 'silently) ;; don't bother me with asking for abbrev saving
(setq-default create-lockfiles nil) ;; disable lock files, can cause trouble in e.g. lsp-mode
(defalias 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p) ;; answer with y and n
(setq custom-safe-themes t) ;; don't ask me if I want to load a theme
(setq sentence-end-double-space nil) ;; don't coun two spaces after a period as the end of a sentence.
(delete-selection-mode t) ;; delete selected region when typing
(setq locale-coding-system 'utf-8)
(set-terminal-coding-system 'utf-8)
(set-keyboard-coding-system 'utf-8)
(set-selection-coding-system 'utf-8)
(if (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
(prefer-coding-system 'utf-8dos)
(prefer-coding-system 'utf-8))
(blink-cursor-mode -1) ;; turn off blinking cursor
(show-paren-mode t) ;; show other part of brackets
(column-number-mode t)
(setq uniquify-buffer-name-style 'forward)
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil) ;; avoid tabs in place of multiple spaces (they look bad in tex)
(setq-default indicate-empty-lines t) ;; show empty lines
(setq scroll-margin 5 ;; smooth scrolling
scroll-conservatively 10000
scroll-preserve-screen-position 1
scroll-step 1)
(global-hl-line-mode t) ;; highlight current line
(menu-bar-mode 0) ;; disable menu bar
(tool-bar-mode 0) ;; disable tool bar
(scroll-bar-mode 0) ;; disable scroll bar
* visuals
** Font
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(set-face-font 'default "Hack-10")
** line wrappings
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(diminish 'visual-line-mode)
(use-package adaptive-wrap
:ensure t
(when (fboundp 'adaptive-wrap-prefix-mode)
(defun my/activate-adaptive-wrap-prefix-mode ()
"Toggle `visual-line-mode' and `adaptive-wrap-prefix-mode' simultaneously."
(adaptive-wrap-prefix-mode (if visual-line-mode 1 -1)))
(add-hook 'visual-line-mode-hook 'my/activate-adaptive-wrap-prefix-mode)))
** line numbers
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package display-line-numbers
(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'display-line-numbers-mode)
(add-hook 'org-src-mode-hook 'display-line-numbers-mode)
(setq-default display-line-numbers-type 'visual
display-line-numbers-current-absolute t
display-line-numbers-with 4
display-line-numbers-widen t))
; (add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'display-line-numbers-mode)
** misc
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package rainbow-mode
:ensure t
:hook ((org-mode
emacs-lisp-mode) . rainbow-mode))
* undo
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package undo-tree
:ensure t
:diminish undo-tree-mode
(global-undo-tree-mode 1))
* imenu-list
A minor mode to show imenu in a sidebar.
Call imenu-list-smart-toggle.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package imenu-list
:ensure t
(setq imenu-list-focus-after-activation t
imenu-list-auto-resize t
imenu-list-position 'right)
(:map global-map
([f9] . imenu-list-smart-toggle))
* which-key
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package which-key
:ensure t
:diminish which-key-mode
(setq which-key-idle-delay 0.5))
* orgmode
** org
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package org
:ensure org-plus-contrib
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'company/org-mode-hook)
;; (require 'org-id)
(add-to-list 'org-modules "org-id")
(setq org-default-notes-file (concat MY--PATH_ORG_FILES "")
org-agenda-files (list MY--PATH_ORG_FILES
org-id-locations-file (concat MY--PATH_USER_LOCAL ".org-id-locations")
org-log-into-drawer "LOGBOOK"))
** habits
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(require 'org-habit) ;;TODO Lösung ohne require finden, scheint mir nicht ideal zu sein, nur um ein org-modul zu aktivieren
;; (add-to-list 'org-modules "org-habit")
(setq org-habit-graph-column 80
org-habit-preceding-days 30
org-habit-following-days 7
org-habit-show-habits-only-for-today nil)
** *TODO*
** org-caldav
Vorerst deaktiviert, Nutzen evtl. nicht vorhanden
BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package org-caldav
:ensure t
(setq org-caldav-url ""
org-caldav-calendar-id "orgmode"
org-caldav-inbox (expand-file-name "~/Archiv/Organisieren/caldav-inbox")
org-caldav-files (concat MY--PATH_ORG_FILES "tasks")))
** journal
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package org-journal
:ensure t
:defer t
(org-journal-dir MY--PATH_ORG_JOURNAl)
(org-journal-enable-agenda-integration t))
* ivy / counsel / swiper
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
; (require 'ivy)
(use-package ivy
:ensure t
(ivy-mode . "")
(ivy-mode 1)
("C-r" . ivy-resume) ;; overrides isearch-backwards binding
(setq ivy-use-virtual-buffers t ;; recent files and bookmarks in ivy-switch-buffer
ivy-height 20 ;; height of ivy window
ivy-count-format "%d/%d" ;; current and total number
ivy-re-builders-alist ;; regex replaces spaces with *
'((t . ivy--regex-plus))))
(use-package counsel
:ensure t
(("M-x" . counsel-M-x)
("C-x C-f" . counsel-find-file)
("C-x C-r" . counsel-recentf)
("C-c C-f" . counsel-git)
("C-c h f" . counsel-describe-function)
("C-c h v" . counsel-describe-variable)
("M-i" . counsel-imenu)))
(use-package swiper
:ensure t
("C-s" . swiper))
(use-package ivy-hydra
:ensure t)
* company
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
; (require 'company)
(use-package company
:defer 1
(:map company-active-map
("RET" . nil)
([return] . nil)
("TAB" . company-complete-selection)
([tab] . company-complete-selection)
("<right>" . company-complete-common))
(global-company-mode 1)
company-idle-delay .2
company-minimum-prefix-length 1
company-require-match nil
company-show-numbers t
company-tooltip-align-annotations t))
; (require 'company-statistics)
(use-package company-statistics
:ensure t
:after company
(setq company-statistics-file (concat MY--PATH_USER_LOCAL "company-statistics-cache.el"));~/.emacs.d/user-dir/company-statistics-cache.el")
(company-statistics-mode 1))
(use-package company-dabbrev
:ensure nil
:after company
(setq-default company-dabbrev-downcase nil))
(use-package company-box
:ensure t
(add-hook 'company-mode-hook 'company-box-mode))
** company backends
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun company/org-mode-hook()
(set (make-local-variable 'company-backends)
'(company-capf company-files))
(add-hook 'completion-at-point-functions 'pcomplete-completions-at-point nil t)
(message "company/org-mode-hook"))
(defun company/elisp-mode-hook()
(set (make-local-variable 'company-backends)
'((company-elisp company-dabbrev) company-capf company-files))
(message "company/elisp-mode-hook"))
(defun company/beancount-mode-hook()
(set (make-local-variable 'company-backends)
* Programming
** Magit / Git
Little crash course in magit:
- magit-init to init a git project
- magit-status (C-x g) to call the status window
In status buffer:
- s stage files
- u unstage files
- U unstage all files
- a apply changes to staging
- c c commit (type commit message, then C-c C-c to commit)
- b b switch to another branch
- P u git push
- F u git pull
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package magit
:ensure t
:defer t
; set git-path in work environment
(if (string-equal user-login-name "POH")
(setq magit-git-executable "P:/Eigene Dateien/Tools/Git/bin/git.exe")
:bind (("C-x g" . magit-status))
** LSP
Configuration for the language server protocol
*ACHTUNG* Dateipfad muss absolut sein, symlink im Pfad führt zumindest beim ersten Start zu Fehlern beim lsp
Sobald der lsp einmal lief, kann zukünftig der symlink-Pfad genommen werden.
Getestet wurde die funktionierende Datei selbst und neu erstellte Dateien im selben Pfad.
TODO Unterverzeichnisse wurden noch nicht getestet
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package lsp-mode
:defer t
:commands lsp
(lsp-auto-guess-root nil)
(lsp-prefer-flymake nil) ; use flycheck instead
(lsp-file-watch-threshold 2000)
:bind (:map lsp-mode-map ("C-c C-f" . lsp-format-buffer))
:hook ((python-mode
web-mode) . lsp))
(use-package lsp-ui
:after lsp-mode
:ensure t
:commands lsp-ui-mode
(setq lsp-ui-doc-enable t
lsp-ui-doc-header t
lsp-ui-doc-include-signature t
lsp-ui-doc-position 'top
lsp-ui-doc-border (face-foreground 'default)
lsp-ui-sideline-enable nil
lsp-ui-sideline-ignore-duplicate t
lsp-ui-sideline-show-code-actions nil)
(when (display-graphic-p)
(setq lsp-ui-doc-use-webkit t))
;; workaround hide mode-line of lsp-ui-imenu buffer
(defadvice lsp-ui-imenu (after hide-lsp-ui-imenu-mode-line activate)
(setq mode-line-format nil)))
(use-package company-lsp
:requires company
:defer t
:ensure t
;;disable client-side cache because lsp server does a better job
(setq company-transformers nil
company-lsp-async t
company-lsp-cache-candidates nil))
** flycheck
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package flycheck
:ensure t
((css-mode . flycheck-mode)
(emacs-lisp-mode . flycheck-mode)
(python-mode . flycheck-mode))
(setq flycheck-emacs-lisp-load-path 'inherit)
flycheck-check-synta-automatically '(save mode-enabled)
flycheck-disable-checkers '(emacs-lisp-checkdoc)
eldoc-idle-delay .1 ;; let eldoc echo faster than flycheck
flycheck-display-errors-delay .3)) ;; this way any errors will override eldoc messages
** lisp
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'company/elisp-mode-hook)
** web
apt install npm
sudo npm install -g vscode-html-languageserver-bin
evtl alternativ typescript-language-server?
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package web-mode
:ensure t
:defer t
** Python
Systemseitig muss python-language-server installiert sein:
pip3 install 'python-language-server[all]'
für andere language servers
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package pyvenv
:ensure t
(setenv "WORKON_HOME" (expand-file-name "~/Archiv/Programmierprojekte/Python/virtualenv/"))
(add-hook 'pyvenv-post-activate-hooks #'my/postactivatehook))
(defun my/postactivatehook ()
(setq lsp-python-ms-extra-paths pyvenv-virtual-env))
(use-package virtualenvwrapper
:ensure t
:hook (venv-postmkvirtualenv . (lambda() (shell-command "pip3 install importmagic epc")))
(setq venv-location (expand-file-name "~/Archiv/Programmierprojekte/Python/virtualenv/")))
(use-package lsp-python-ms
:ensure t
:after lsp-mode python)
; :custom (lsp-python-executable-cmd "python3"))
* beancount
** Installation
#+BEGIN_SRC shell
sudo su
cd /opt
python3 -m venv beancount
source ./beancount/bin/activate
pip3 install wheel
pip3 install beancount
sleep 100
echo "shell running!"
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package beancount
:load-path "user-local/elisp"
:ensure t
:defer t
("\\.beancount$" . beancount-mode)
(add-hook 'beancount-mode-hook 'company/beancount-mode-hook)
; (add-hook 'beancount-mode-hook (pyvenv-activate "/opt/beancount"))
; (setenv "PATH"
; (concat "/opt/beancount/bin:"
; (getenv "PATH")))
(setq beancount-filename-main "/home/marc/Archiv/Finanzen/Transaktionen/transactions.beancount"))
To support org-babel, check if it can find the symlink to ob-beancount.el
#+BEGIN_SRC shell
orgpath=`find /home/marc/.emacs.d/elpa/ -type d -name "org-plus*" -print`
if [ -h "$beansym" ]
echo "$beansym found"
elif [ -e "$bean" ]
echo "creating symlink"
ln -s "$bean" "$beansym"
echo "$bean not found, symlink creation aborted"
Fava is strongly recommended.
#+BEGIN_SRC shell
cd /opt
python3 -m venv fava
source ./fava/bin/activate
pip3 install wheel
pip3 install fava
Start fava with fava my_file.beancount
It is accessable on this URL: [[][Fava]]
Beancount-mode can start fava and open the URL right away.


@ -0,0 +1,620 @@
;;; package --- Summary
;;; Commentary:
;; A humble try to port leder-mode to beancount
;;; Code:
;(require 'beancount-regex)
(require 'font-lock)
(require 'company) ; for company-mode
(require 'pcomplete)
(require 'cl-lib)
(defgroup beancount ()
"Editing mode for beancount files."
:group 'beancount)
(defconst beancount-timestamped-directive-names
;; the ones below are not followed by an account name.
"Directive names that can appear after a date.")
(defconst beancount-account-categories
; TODO: Fill changed root accounts automatically
(defconst beancount-nontimestamped-directive-names
"Directive names that can appear after a date.")
(defconst beancount-option-names
;; this list has to be kept in sync with the options definied in
;; beancount/parser/
(defconst beancount-directive-names
(append beancount-nontimestamped-directive-names
"A list of directive names.")
(defconst beancount-tag-chars
"Allowed tag characters.")
(defconst beancount-account-chars
"Allowed account characters.")
(defconst beancount-account-regexp
(concat (regexp-opt beancount-account-categories)
"\\(?::[[:upper:]][" beancount-account-chars "]+\\)")
"A regular expression to match account names.")
; TODO: currently shows all texts between ""
(defconst beancount-payee-regexp
(defconst beancount-date-regexp
"Regular expression for dates.")
(defconst beancount-number-regexp
"Regular expression to match decimal numbers.")
(defconst beancount-tag-regexp
(concat "#"
"Regular expression for valid tags.")
(defconst beancount-currency-regexp
"Regular expression to match currencies.")
(defconst beancount-timestamped-accounts-regexp
(concat beancount-date-regexp
" " ;"\\(\\s-+\\)"
(regexp-opt beancount-timestamped-directive-names)
" ") ;"\\(\\s-+\\)")
"A regular expression to match valid preceding characters before an account name.")
(defconst beancount-amount-and-currency-regex
"A regular expression for amounts including currency.")
(defconst beancount-payee-any-status-regex
(defconst beancount-date-and-status-regex
(concat beancount-date-regexp
"Returns true for YYYY-MM-DD ! and YYYY-MM-DD *.")
(defconst beancount-valid-prefix-for-directives-regex
(concat "^"
"[ ]+"
(defconst beancount-valid-prefix-for-payee-completion-regex
(concat "\\("
" \"" ; empty space and open quotes
"[^\"\n]*" ; any number of chars except quotes and newline
"\\(" ; start of optional second quoted term
"\"[ ]+\"" ; closing quotes, whitespaces, opening quotes
"[^\"\n]*" ; any number of chars except quotes and newline
"\\)?" ; end of optional second quoted term
"\\)$" ; the whole regex looks from the right side of the line
(defconst beancount-valid-prefix-for-tag-completion-regex
(concat ;"\\("
" \"" ; empty space and open quotes
"[^\"\n]*" ; any number of chars except quotes and newline
"\\(" ; start of optional second quoted term
"\"[ ]+\"" ; closing quotes, whitespaces, opening quotes
"[^\"\n]*" ; any number of chars except quotes and newline
"\\)?" ; end of optional second quoted term
"\"[ ]+#"
;"\\)$" ; the whole regex looks from the right side of the line
(defconst beancount-comments-regex
(concat ";[^\"\n]*$")) ; right part of the line after a comment symbol if no quote or newline is included
(defconst beancount-empty-line-regex
"^\\(\\s-+\\)" ;; maybe "^[ \t]+" is better
"Returns true for preceding whitespaces.")
;; Faces
(defgroup beancount-faces nil "Beancount mode highlighting" :group 'beancount)
(defface beancount-font-default-face
`((t :inherit default))
"Default face"
:group 'beancount-faces)
(defface beancount-font-xact-cleared-face
`((t :foreground "#AAAAAA" :weight normal))
"Default face for cleared transactions"
:group 'beancount-faces)
(defface beancount-font-xact-pending-face
`((t :foreground "#dc322f" :weight bold))
"Default face for pending transactions"
:group 'beancount-faces)
(defface beancount-font-payee-cleared-face
`((t :inherit beancount-font-other-face))
"Default face for pending transactions"
:group 'beancount-faces)
(defface beancount-font-payee-pending-face
`((t :foreground "#f24b61" :weight normal))
"Default face for pending (!) transactions"
:group 'beancount-faces)
(defface beancount-font-other-face
`((t :foreground "#657b83" :weight normal))
"Default face for other transactions"
:group 'beancount-faces)
(defface beancount-font-posting-date-face
`((t :foreground "#cb4b16" :weight normal))
"Default face for dates"
:group 'beancount-faces)
(defface beancount-font-amount-face
`((t :foreground "#cb4b16" :weight normal))
"Default face for amounts"
:group 'beancount-faces)
(defvar beancount-font-lock-directives
`(;; reserved keywords
(,(regexp-opt beancount-directive-names) . font-lock-keyword-face)
;; tags & links
("[#\\^][A-Za-z0-9\-_/.]+" . font-lock-type-face)
;; comments
(,beancount-comments-regex (0 font-lock-comment-face))
;; date
(,beancount-date-regexp . 'beancount-font-posting-date-face)
;; account
(,beancount-account-regexp . 'beancount-font-other-face)
;; payees
("\"\\(.*?\\)\"" . font-lock-comment-face)
;; txn flags
("! " . font-lock-warning-face)
;; Alignments
(defmacro beancount-for-line-in-region (begin end &rest exprs)
"Iterate over each line in region from BEGIN to END (EXPRS)
until an empty line is encountered."
(let ((end-marker (copy-marker ,end)))
(goto-char ,begin)
(while (and (not (eobp)) (< (point) end-marker))
(progn ,@exprs)
(forward-line 1)
(defun beancount-align-numbers (begin end)
"Align all numbers in the current buffer from BEGIN to END."
(interactive "r")
;; loop once in the buffer to find the length of the longest string before the
;; number.
(let (prefix-widths
(number-padding " "))
begin end
(let ((line (thing-at-point 'line)))
(when (string-match (concat "\\(.*?\\)"
"[ \t]+"
"\\(" beancount-number-regexp "\\)"
"[ \t]+"
(push (length (match-string 1 line)) prefix-widths)
(push (length (match-string 2 line)) number-widths)
(when prefix-widths
;; Loop again to make the adjustments to the numbers.
(let* ((number-width (apply 'max number-widths))
(number-format (format "%%%ss" number-width))
;; compute the rightmost column of prefix
(max-prefix-width (apply 'max prefix-widths))
(prefix-format (format "%%-%ss" max-prefix-width))
begin end
(let ((line (thing-at-point 'line)))
(when (string-match (concat "^\\([^\"]*?\\)"
"[ \t]+"
"\\(" beancount-number-regexp "\\)"
"[ \t]+"
(delete-region (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position))
(let* ((prefix (match-string 1 line))
(number (match-string 2 line))
(rest (match-string 3 line)))
(insert (format prefix-format prefix))
(insert number-padding)
(insert (format number-format number))
(insert " ")
(insert rest)))))))))
(defun beancount-hash-keys (hashtable)
"Extract all the keys of the given HASHTABLE. Return a sorted list."
(let (rlist)
(maphash (lambda (k _v) (push k rlist)) hashtable)
(sort rlist 'string<)))
(defvar beancount-accounts nil
"A list of the accounts available in this buffer.
This is a cache of the value computed by `beancount-get-accounts'.")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'beancount-accounts)
(defun beancount-init-accounts ()
"Initialize or reset the list of accounts."
(setq beancount-accounts (beancount-get-accounts-in-buffer)) ;-new
(pcomplete-uniqify-list (nreverse beancount-accounts))
;; (setq beancount-accounts (beancount-get-accounts))
(message "Accounts updated."))
;; Navigation
(defun beancount-navigate-start-xact-or-directive-p ()
"Return t if at the beginning of an empty or all-whitespace line."
(not (looking-at "[ \t]\\|\\(^$\\)")))
(defun beancount-navigate-prev-xact-or-directive ()
"Move to the beginning of the next xact or directive."
(if (beancount-navigate-start-xact-or-directive-p) ;if we are at the start of an xact, move backward to the previous xact
(forward-line -1)
(if (not (beancount-navigate-start-xact-or-directive-p)) ; we have moved backward and are not at another xact, recurse backward
(while (not (or (bobp)
(forward-line -1))))
(defun beancount-navigate-next-xact-or-directive ()
"Move to the beginning of the next xact or directive."
(if (beancount-navigate-start-xact-or-directive-p) ; if we are at the start of an xact, move forward to the next xact
(if (not (beancount-navigate-start-xact-or-directive-p)) ; we have moved forward and are not at another xact, recurse forward
(while (not (or (eobp) ; we didn't stsrt off at the beginning of an xact
;; Completion
(defun beancount-thing-at-point ()
"Describe thing at points. Return 'transaction, 'posting, or nil.
Leave point at the beginning of the thing under point.")
(defun beancount-trim-trailing-whitespace (str)
"Replace trailing whitespaces in STR."
(replace-regexp-in-string "[ \t]*$" "" str))
;; (defun beancount-fully-complete-xact ()
;; "Completes a transaction if there is another matching payee in the buffer."
;; (interactive)
;; (let* ((name (beancount-trim-trailing-whitespace (caar (beancount-parse-arguments))))
;; xacf)))
;; Functions for external programs
(defvar beancount-filename-main buffer-file-name
"File name of the main beancount file for beancount-check.")
(defvar beancount-terminal-name "urxvt"
"Name of the terminal emulator to run fava.")
(defvar beancount-fava-exec "/opt/fava/bin/fava"
"Full path of fava executable.")
(defvar beancount-install-dir nil
"Directory in which Beancount's source is located.
Only useful if you have not installed Beancount properly in your PATH")
(defun beancount--run (prog &rest args)
"Random text PROG ARGS."
(let ((process-environment
(if beancount-install-dir
`(,(concat "PYTHONPATH=" beancount-install-dir)
,(concat "PATH="
(expand-file-name "bin" beancount-install-dir)
(getenv "PATH"))
(compile-command (mapconcat (lambda (arg)
(if (stringp arg)
(shell-quote-argument arg) ""))
(cons prog args)
" ")))
(call-interactively 'compile)))
(defvar beancount-check-program "bean-check"
"Program to run the parser and validator on an input file.")
(defun beancount-check ()
"Run `beancount-check-program'."
(let ((compilation-read-command nil))
(beancount--run beancount-check-program beancount-filename-main)))
; (file-relative-name buffer-file-name))))
(defun beancount-fava ()
"Run `beancount-fava' and open the URL in the default browser."
(start-process "termx" nil beancount-terminal-name "-e" beancount-fava-exec beancount-filename-main)
(sleep-for 0.5) ; necessary to prevent an error
(browse-url ""))
;; Completions
(defun beancount-get-accounts-in-buffer ()
"Return a list of all accounts."
(let ((origin (point))
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward
beancount-account-regexp nil t)
(setq accounts-list (cons (match-string-no-properties 0)
(pcomplete-uniqify-list (nreverse accounts-list))))
(defun beancount-get-payees-in-buffer ()
"Return a list of all payees."
(let ((origin (point))
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward
"^[0-9- *]*\"\\(.*?\\)\" \"\\(.*?\\)\"" nil t) ; matches are in brackets
(setq payees-list (cons (match-string-no-properties 1) ; get first match, generally the payee
(setq payees-list (cons (match-string-no-properties 2) ; get second match, generally a description
(pcomplete-uniqify-list (nreverse payees-list))))
(defun beancount-get-tags-in-buffer ()
"Return a list of all tags."
(let ((origin (point))
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward
beancount-tag-regexp nil t)
(setq tags-list (cons (substring (match-string-no-properties 0) 1)
(pcomplete-uniqify-list (nreverse tags-list))))
(defun beancount-get-commodities-in-buffer ()
"Return a list of all commodities / currencies."
(let ((origin (point))
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward
"^[ ]+[A-Za-z0-9-_:]+[ ]+[-]?[0-9,.]+[ ]+\\([A-Z][A-Z0-9-_.']*[A-Z0-9]\\)" nil t)
(setq commodities-list (cons (match-string-no-properties 1)
(pcomplete-uniqify-list (nreverse commodities-list))))
;; Finishing setup
(defvar beancount-mode-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map [(meta ?p)] #'beancount-navigate-prev-xact-or-directive)
(define-key map [(meta ?n)] #'beancount-navigate-next-xact-or-directive)
"Keymap for `bean-mode'.")
(easy-menu-define beancount-mode-menu beancount-mode-map
"Beancount menu"
["Customize Ledger Mode" (lambda () (interactive) (customize-group 'beanmode))]))
;; (defun beancount-get-accounts (&optional string)
;; "Return list of account names with STRING infix present.
;; STRING can be multiple words separated by a space."
;; (let* ((accounts-string (shell-command-to-string
;; (concat "bean-query -q -f csv "
;; "/home/marc/Archiv/Finanzen/transactions_ingdiba.beancount "
;; (accounts-list (split-string accounts-string)))
;; accounts-list))
(defvar beancount-accounts-cache nil
"List of accounts cached for company mode.")
(defvar beancount-payees-cache nil
"List of payees cached for company mode.")
(defvar beancount-tags-cache nil
"List of tags cached for company mode.")
(defvar beancount-commodities-cache nil
"List of commodities / currencies cached for company mode.")
(defun beancount-update-accounts-and-payees ()
"Initialize or reset the list of accounts."
(setq beancount-accounts-cache (beancount-get-accounts-in-buffer)) ;-new
(pcomplete-uniqify-list (nreverse beancount-accounts-cache))
;; (setq beancount-accounts (beancount-get-accounts))
(message "Accounts updated.")
(setq beancount-payees-cache (beancount-get-payees-in-buffer)) ;-new
(pcomplete-uniqify-list (nreverse beancount-payees-cache))
(message "Payees updated.")
(setq beancount-commodities-cache (beancount-get-commodities-in-buffer))
(pcomplete-uniqify-list (nreverse beancount-commodities-cache))
(setq beancount-tags-cache (beancount-get-tags-in-buffer))
(pcomplete-uniqify-list (nreverse beancount-tags-cache))
(message "Tags updated."))
;; first test for conditional completions
;; e.g. only account names when completion is after a date
;; (defun beancount-company-candidates (prefix)
;; "Check what PREFIX does."
;; (let* (accounts (beancount-accounts-cache))
;; accounts))
(defun company-beancount (command &optional arg &rest ignored)
"Company backend for 'beancount-mode'.
COMMAND, ARG, and IGNORED the regular meanings."
(interactive (list 'interactive))
(message arg)
(pcase command
(`interactive (company-begin-backend 'company-beancount))
(`prefix (and (eq major-mode 'beancount-mode)
;; if line ends with date and status, at max one quoted text, and an open quote, offer payees and explainations
((string-match-p beancount-valid-prefix-for-payee-completion-regex (thing-at-point 'line))
(delq nil
(mapcar (lambda (c)
; (and (string-prefix-p (substring arg 1) c) c)
(and (string-prefix-p arg c) c))
;; if line starts with date, offer directives
((string-match-p beancount-valid-prefix-for-directives-regex (thing-at-point 'line))
(delq nil
(mapcar (lambda (c)
(and (string-prefix-p arg c) c))
;; if line starts with date, status and payees, offer tags
((string-match-p beancount-valid-prefix-for-tag-completion-regex (thing-at-point 'line))
(delq nil
(mapcar (lambda (c)
(and (string-prefix-p (substring arg 1) c) c))
;; if line starts with accounts and amounts, offer commodities
((string-match-p (concat "^[ ]+[A-Za-z0-9-_:]+[ ]+[-]?[0-9,.]+[ ]+" beancount-currency-regexp) (thing-at-point 'line))
(delq nil
(mapcar (lambda (c)
(and (string-prefix-p arg c) c))
;; if line is empty, offer accounts
((or (string-match-p "^\\s-+" (thing-at-point 'line))
;; if the preceding text is allowed before an account, offer accounts
;; TODO: Not yet working!
(string-match-p beancount-timestamped-accounts-regexp (thing-at-point 'line)))
(delq nil
(mapcar (lambda (c)
(message c)
(and (string-prefix-p arg c) c))
(define-derived-mode beancount-mode text-mode "Beancount"
"A mode for editing beancount files.
:init-value nil
:lighter " Beancount"
:group 'beancount
;; customize font-lock for beancount.
(set-syntax-table beancount-mode-syntax-table)
(font-lock-add-keywords nil beancount-font-lock-directives)
(or beancount-accounts-cache
(setq beancount-accounts-cache (beancount-get-accounts-in-buffer))) ;-new
(or beancount-payees-cache
(setq beancount-payees-cache (beancount-get-payees-in-buffer)))
(or beancount-commodities-cache
(setq beancount-commodities-cache (beancount-get-commodities-in-buffer)))
(or beancount-tags-cache
(setq beancount-tags-cache (beancount-get-tags-in-buffer)))
(provide 'beancount)
;;; beancount-mode.el ends here