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;; _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ ;; ;; ______ __ ;; / ____/___ / /___ __________ ;; / / / __ \/ / __ \/ ___/ ___/ ;; / /___/ /_/ / / /_/ / / (__ ) ;; \____/\____/_/\____/_/ /____/ ;; ;; Created By Aditya Shakya @adi1090x ;; ;; _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
background = #f5f5f5 foreground = #252525 accent = #1e88e5 modulefg = #f5f5f5
;; Active Colors ;;bg = #f5f5f5 ;;fg = #252525 ;;ac = #1e88e5 ;;mf = #f5f5f5
;; Bars bi = #1e88e5 be = #1e88e5 bf = #43a047 bn = #43a047 bm = #fdd835 bd = #e53935
trans = #00000000 white = #FFFFFF black = #000000
;; Material Colors
red = #e53935 pink = #d81b60 purple = #8e24aa deep-purple = #5e35b1 indigo = #3949ab blue = #1e88e5 light-blue = #039be5 cyan = #00acc1 teal = #00897b green = #43a047 light-green = #7cb342 lime = #c0ca33 yellow = #fdd835 amber = #ffb300 orange = #fb8c00 deep-orange = #f4511e brown = #6d4c41 grey = #757575 blue-gray = #546e7a
;; Material Colors Shades
; Amber amshade1 = #FF6F00 amshade2 = #FF8F00 amshade3 = #FFA000 amshade4 = #FFB300 amshade5 = #FFC107 amshade6 = #FFCA28 amshade7 = #FFD54F amshade8 = #FFE082
; Blue blshade1 = #0D47A1 blshade2 = #1565C0 blshade3 = #1976D2 blshade4 = #1E88E5 blshade5 = #2196F3 blshade6 = #42A5F5 blshade7 = #64B5F6 blshade8 = #90CAF9
; Blue-Grey bgshade1 = #263238 bgshade2 = #37474F bgshade3 = #455A64 bgshade4 = #546E7A bgshade5 = #607D8B bgshade6 = #78909C bgshade7 = #90A4AE bgshade8 = #B0BEC5
; Brown brshade1 = #3E2723 brshade2 = #4E342E brshade3 = #5D4037 brshade4 = #6D4C41 brshade5 = #795548 brshade6 = #8D6E63 brshade7 = #A1887F brshade8 = #BCAAA4
; Cyan cyshade1 = #006064 cyshade2 = #00838F cyshade3 = #0097A7 cyshade4 = #00ACC1 cyshade5 = #00BCD4 cyshade6 = #26C6DA cyshade7 = #4DD0E1 cyshade8 = #80DEEA
; Deep-Orange doshade1 = #BF360C doshade2 = #D84315 doshade3 = #E64A19 doshade4 = #F4511E doshade5 = #FF5722 doshade6 = #FF7043 doshade7 = #FF8A65 doshade8 = #FFAB91
; Deep-Purple dpshade1 = #311B92 dpshade2 = #4527A0 dpshade3 = #512DA8 dpshade4 = #5E35B1 dpshade5 = #673AB7 dpshade6 = #7E57C2 dpshade7 = #9575CD dpshade8 = #B39DDB
; Green grshade1 = #1B5E20 grshade2 = #2E7D32 grshade3 = #388E3C grshade4 = #43A047 grshade5 = #4CAF50 grshade6 = #66BB6A grshade7 = #81C784 grshade8 = #A5D6A7
; Grey greshade1 = #212121 greshade2 = #424242 greshade3 = #616161 greshade4 = #757575 greshade5 = #9E9E9E greshade6 = #BDBDBD greshade7 = #D4D4D4 greshade8 = #EEEEEE
; Indigo inshade1 = #1A237E inshade2 = #283593 inshade3 = #303F9F inshade4 = #3949AB inshade5 = #3F51B5 inshade6 = #5C6BC0 inshade7 = #7986CB inshade8 = #9FA8DA
; Light-Blue lbshade1 = #01579B lbshade2 = #0277BD lbshade3 = #0288D1 lbshade4 = #039BE5 lbshade5 = #03A9F4 lbshade6 = #29B6F6 lbshade7 = #4FC3F7 lbshade8 = #81D4FA
; Light-Green lgshade1 = #33691E lgshade2 = #558B2F lgshade3 = #689F38 lgshade4 = #7CB342 lgshade5 = #8BC34A lgshade6 = #9CCC65 lgshade7 = #AED581 lgshade8 = #C5E1A5
; Lime lishade1 = #827717 lishade2 = #9E9D24 lishade3 = #AFB42B lishade4 = #C0CA33 lishade5 = #CDDC39 lishade6 = #D4E157 lishade7 = #DCE775 lishade8 = #E6EE9C
; Orange orshade1 = #E65100 orshade2 = #EF6C00 orshade3 = #F57C00 orshade4 = #FB8C00 orshade5 = #FF9800 orshade6 = #FFA726 orshade7 = #FFB74D orshade8 = #FFCC80
; Pink pishade1 = #880E4F pishade2 = #AD1457 pishade3 = #C2185B pishade4 = #D81B60 pishade5 = #E91E63 pishade6 = #EC407A pishade7 = #F06292 pishade8 = #F48FB1
; Purple prshade1 = #4A148C prshade2 = #6A1B9A prshade3 = #7B1FA2 prshade4 = #8E24AA prshade5 = #9C27B0 prshade6 = #AB47BC prshade7 = #BA68C8 prshade8 = #CE93D8
; Red reshade1 = #B71C1C reshade2 = #C62828 reshade3 = #D32F2F reshade4 = #E53935 reshade5 = #EE413D reshade6 = #EF5350 reshade7 = #E57373 reshade8 = #EF9A9A
; Teal teshade1 = #004D40 teshade2 = #00695C teshade3 = #00796B teshade4 = #00897B teshade5 = #009688 teshade6 = #26A69A teshade7 = #4DB6AC teshade8 = #80CBC4
; Yellow yeshade1 = #F57F17 yeshade2 = #F9A825 yeshade3 = #FBC02D yeshade4 = #FDD835 yeshade5 = #FFEB3B yeshade6 = #FFEE58 yeshade7 = #FFF176 yeshade8 = #FFF59D
;; _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ ;; __________ ______ ;; / ____/ __ \/ ____/ ;; / __/ / / / / /_ ;; / /___/ /_/ / __/ ;; /_____/\____/_/ ;; ;; _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_