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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env bash |
if [[ "$1" = "+" ]]; then |
bspc config -d focused left_padding $((`bspc config -d focused left_padding ` + 16 )) |
bspc config -d focused right_padding $((`bspc config -d focused right_padding ` + 16 )) |
bspc config -d focused top_padding $((`bspc config -d focused top_padding ` + 9 )) |
bspc config -d focused bottom_padding $((`bspc config -d focused bottom_padding ` + 9 )) |
else |
bspc config -d focused left_padding $((`bspc config -d focused left_padding ` - 16 )) |
bspc config -d focused right_padding $((`bspc config -d focused right_padding ` - 16 )) |
bspc config -d focused top_padding $((`bspc config -d focused top_padding ` - 9 )) |
bspc config -d focused bottom_padding $((`bspc config -d focused bottom_padding ` - 9 )) |
fi |
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ |
#!/bin/bash |
# name of connected VPN |
VPN_NAME=$(nmcli -t -f NAME,TYPE,STATE con | awk -F: '$2=="vpn" && $3=="activated" {print $1}') |
# name of connected wifi |
WIFI_NAME=$(nmcli -t -f NAME,TYPE,STATE con | awk -F: '$2!="vpn" && $3=="activated" {print $1}') |
if [[ "${VPN_NAME}" == "" ]]; |
then |
echo "${WIFI_NAME}" |
elif [[ "${VPN_NAME}" =~ "PM" ]]; |
then |
echo "PM" |
else |
echo "VPN" |
fi |
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env bash |
#DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" |
#DIR=${HOME} |
#echo $DIR |
YOFF=0 |
XOFF=0 |
FONT="DejaVu Sans Mono 8" |
if [ -r "$HOME/.config/rofi/wifi" ]; then |
source "$HOME/.config/rofi/wifi" |
else |
echo "WARNING: config file not found! Using default values." |
fi |
LIST=$(nmcli --fields "$FIELDS" device wifi list | sed '/^--/d') |
# For some reason rofi always approximates character width 2 short... hmmm |
RWIDTH=$(($(echo "$LIST" | head -n 1 | awk '{print length($0); }')+2)) |
# Dynamically change the height of the rofi menu |
LINENUM=$(echo "$LIST" | wc -l) |
# Gives a list of known connections so we can parse it later |
KNOWNCON=$(nmcli connection show) |
# Really janky way of telling if there is currently a connection |
CONSTATE=$(nmcli -fields WIFI g) |
CURRSSID=$(LANGUAGE=C nmcli -t -f active,ssid dev wifi | awk -F: '$1 ~ /^yes/ {print $2}') |
if [[ ! -z $CURRSSID ]]; then |
HIGHLINE=$(echo "$(echo "$LIST" | awk -F "[ ]{2,}" '{print $1}' | grep -Fxn -m 1 "$CURRSSID" | awk -F ":" '{print $1}') + 1" | bc ) |
fi |
# HOPEFULLY you won't need this as often as I do |
# If there are more than 8 SSIDs, the menu will still only have 8 lines |
if [ "$LINENUM" -gt 8 ] && [[ "$CONSTATE" =~ "enabled" ]]; then |
elif [[ "$CONSTATE" =~ "disabled" ]]; then |
fi |
if [[ "$CONSTATE" =~ "enabled" ]]; then |
TOGGLE="toggle off" |
elif [[ "$CONSTATE" =~ "disabled" ]]; then |
TOGGLE="toggle on" |
fi |
CHENTRY=$(echo -e "$TOGGLE\nmanual\n$LIST" | uniq -u | rofi -dmenu -p "Wi-Fi SSID: " -lines "$LINENUM" -a "$HIGHLINE" -location "$POSITION" -yoffset "$YOFF" -xoffset "$XOFF" -font "$FONT" -width -"$RWIDTH") |
#echo "$CHENTRY" |
CHSSID=$(echo "$CHENTRY" | sed 's/\s\{2,\}/\|/g' | awk -F "|" '{print $1}') |
#echo "$CHSSID" |
# If the user inputs "manual" as their SSID in the start window, it will bring them to this screen |
if [ "$CHENTRY" = "manual" ] ; then |
# Manual entry of the SSID and password (if appplicable) |
MSSID=$(echo "enter the SSID of the network (SSID,password)" | rofi -dmenu -p "Manual Entry: " -font "$FONT" -lines 1) |
# Separating the password from the entered string |
MPASS=$(echo "$MSSID" | awk -F "," '{print $2}') |
#echo "$MSSID" |
#echo "$MPASS" |
# If the user entered a manual password, then use the password nmcli command |
if [ "$MPASS" = "" ]; then |
nmcli dev wifi con "$MSSID" |
else |
nmcli dev wifi con "$MSSID" password "$MPASS" |
fi |
elif [ "$CHENTRY" = "toggle on" ]; then |
nmcli radio wifi on |
elif [ "$CHENTRY" = "toggle off" ]; then |
nmcli radio wifi off |
else |
# If the connection is already in use, then this will still be able to get the SSID |
if [ "$CHSSID" = "*" ]; then |
CHSSID=$(echo "$CHENTRY" | sed 's/\s\{2,\}/\|/g' | awk -F "|" '{print $3}') |
fi |
# Parses the list of preconfigured connections to see if it already contains the chosen SSID. This speeds up the connection process |
if [[ $(echo "$KNOWNCON" | grep "$CHSSID") = "$CHSSID" ]]; then |
nmcli con up "$CHSSID" |
else |
if [[ "$CHENTRY" =~ "WPA2" ]] || [[ "$CHENTRY" =~ "WEP" ]]; then |
WIFIPASS=$(echo "if connection is stored, hit enter" | rofi -dmenu -p "password: " -lines 1 -font "$FONT" ) |
fi |
nmcli dev wifi con "$CHSSID" password "$WIFIPASS" |
fi |
fi |