@ -4,43 +4,23 @@ Source: [https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/dotfiles] |
xclip |
## Fonts |
fonts-hack |
fonts-powerline |
IcoMoon Ultimate |
## Alacritty |
Download from here: [https://github.com/jwilm/alacritty/releases] |
```sh |
apt install ./Alacri* |
apt install libxcursor |
update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator x-terminal-emulator /usr/bin/alacritty 20 |
``` |
Evtl. für Terminfo im Repository unter Extras noch alacritty.info ziehen und |
* fonts-hack |
* fonts-powerline |
* IcoMoon Ultimate |
Installation of manual fonts: |
```sh |
tic -xe alacritty,alacritty-direct alacritty.info |
cp [FONT] ~/.local/share/fonts/ |
fc-cache -f -v |
fc-list | grep "[FONT] |
``` |
## bspwm |
## sxhkd |
## zsh |
Install Hack Nerd Font from here https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/releases/ |
```sh |
unzip Hack* |
Fonts wählen, die man nutzen will und nach |
~/.local/share/fonts/ |
koopieren |
fc-cache -f -v |
fc-list | grep "Hack" |
``` |
to permamently switch shell to zsh: |
```sh |
chsh -s $(which zsh) |
``` |
link configs to XDG_CONFIG_HOME |
```sh |
ln -s /home/marc/.config/zsh/.zshenv /home/marc/.zshenv |
ln -s /home/marc/.config/zsh/.zshrc /home/marc/.zshrc |
``` |
# Initialization |
```sh |
git init --bare $HOME/dotfiles |