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44 lines
742 B

font_family Hack Nerd Font Mono
bold_font auto
bold_font auto
bold_italic_font auto
font_size 12.0
# plastic color scheme
background #21252b
foreground #a9b2c3
# black
color0 #21252b
color8 #a9b2c3
# red
color1 #e06c75
color9 #ff3334
# green
color2 #b9ca4a
color10 #9ec400
# yellow
color3 #e6c546
color11 #e7c547
# blue
color4 #61afef
color12 #7aa6da
# magenta
color5 #c397d8
color13 #b77ee0
# cyan
color6 #70c0ba
color14 #54ced6
# white
color7 #eaeaea
color15 #ffffff