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  1. Source: []
  2. # Required tools
  3. xclip
  4. gtk3-nocsd (to disable client side decorations / window bars)
  5. ## Fonts
  6. * fonts-hack
  7. * fonts-powerline
  8. * IcoMoon Ultimate
  9. Installation of manual fonts:
  10. ```sh
  11. cp [FONT] ~/.local/share/fonts/
  12. fc-cache -f -v
  13. fc-list | grep "[FONT]"
  14. ```
  15. ## bspwm
  16. ## sxhkd
  17. ## zsh
  18. to permamently switch shell to zsh:
  19. ```sh
  20. chsh -s $(which zsh)
  21. ```
  22. # Initialization
  23. ```sh
  24. git init --bare $HOME/dotfiles
  25. alias dot="/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME" (add this to .zshenv or .bashrc)
  26. source .zshenv
  27. dot config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
  28. git remote add origin
  29. git remote -v
  30. ```
  31. # Usage
  32. ## Add or edit files in repository
  33. ```sh
  34. dot add /path/to/file
  35. dot commit -m "some message"
  36. dot push
  37. ```
  38. ## add 3rd party repositories or update them
  39. ```sh
  40. #move to where you want to place the module
  41. # e.g. .config/zsh/plugins
  42. dot submodule add -b master
  43. #update submodules
  44. dot submodule update --remote
  45. ```
  46. ## move to a new computer
  47. ```sh
  48. cd
  49. alias dot="/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME" (add to .bashrc)
  50. source .bashrc
  51. echo "dotfiles" >> .gitignore
  52. git clone --bare $HOME/dotfiles
  53. dot checkout
  54. cd dotfiles
  55. dot config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
  56. ```
  57. ## pull repository
  58. ```sh
  59. dot clone
  60. dot pull origin master
  61. ```